US Election: Biden and Kamala Harris slams Trump, says "he doesn't understand the presidency"
US Election: Biden and Kamala Harris slams Trump, says

Washington: Presidential and Vice Presidential elections are proposed in the US in November, in which the Democrats and Republican Party candidates are busy attacking each other. Democratic Party candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris targeted Republican Party President and President Donald Trump, saying he does not understand the presidency.

Joe Biden lashed out at Trump over Corona cases growing in the US. Biden said that the reason behind the increasing cases of Corona infection in the country is not taking the right decision on time. He has said that "Trump is also responsible for the demonstrations taking place in the country". Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris strongly criticized Trump's handling of the Corona situation and his reaction to anti-racist demonstrations. Trump does not understand the presidency," she said.

Biden has tweeted, "The President incites violence, inspires white-supremacist shooters, and his failed COVID response is costing thousands of lives per day. When you look at the world right now, ask yourself: Do you feel safe in Trump’s America?" Biden said, "now we are suffering the brunt of it".

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