Will US stop funding WHO? Trump says "We have decided now"
Will US stop funding WHO? Trump says

Washington: US President Donald Trump is taking an aggressive stand against China for the furore caused by the Coronavirus epidemic worldwide. With this, he has accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of supporting China, hiding the coronavirus. Now Donald Trump is constantly threatening to stop the funds given to the WHO by the US and he has indicated that steps have been taken in this direction.

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On Wednesday, US President Donald Trump said in a press conference that, 'The World Health Organization (WHO) has discriminated against America on many occasions, in such a situation, they cannot accuse us of doing politics. China gives only 42 million to the WHO, but the US gives 450 million. Despite this everything is going in favour of China only. When Donald Trump was asked whether he was putting a complete ban on this funding, he said that I am not saying that we will stop immediately, but we will definitely consider it.

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The response of the World Health Organization (WHO) has also come after Donald Trump's constant attacks. WHO director-general Tedros said that the issue of the virus should not be brought into politics in any way. If you want to take it lightly and deny everything, or if you want more people to die, then you do politics on it.

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