Don’t allow lathery to get you down; home remedies to beat it
Don’t allow lathery to get you down; home remedies to beat it

Do you feel enervated and sapped of life force most of the time, sometimes even after you have just woken up? Do you find yourself nodding in front of the TV or dozing off at your desk? It is normal to exhibit these symptoms some of the time, for example, after you have recovered from an illness or have not been getting enough rest. However, if lethargy and fatigue is a regular affair then you need to consult a medical practitioner and find out if there are any underlying causes for your constant tiredness. You could try some of these tried and tested home remedies to perk you up!

Breakfast: Studies have shown that people who have breakfast tend to suffer from less fatigue than people who give it a miss. Hunger can lead to tiredness and lethargy. Opt for high-fibre foods like oatmeal, multi-grain cereals, fruit and protein in the form of eggs to get a well-balanced and nutritious start to your day. These foods will keep your full for longer than sweet treats like pastries or doughnuts that satisfy your hunger and spike energy levels in the short run but make you even more depleted after the energy crash a short while later.

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Exercise: When you are dog tired the last thing that you may want to do is exercise. However, do drag yourself to the gym or better still, stretch yourself with some yoga and you will find yourself feeling far more energised and revitalised than before. Yoga, with its deep breathing and static poses, gets more oxygen into your system and thereby makes you feel peppier than before. A British study reported that volunteers who did yoga once-a-week for six weeks were more mindful, energetic and confident than those who didn’t. Also another study showed that even if you are in the age-group of 65 to 85, it can boost your health and increase energy. All kinds of exercise reach oxygen-rich blood to your major organs, muscles and extremities and wash away fatigue. Do try to get in at least an hour’s workout every day. If you can’t make it to the gym or work in a yoga session do some simple activities like walking briskly around the block, climbing the stairs to your office or eve gardening.

Stay hydrated: Did you know that not drinking enough water can lead you to feel tired and lethargic? When you are feeling enervated, just have a drink of water and you will be instantly refreshed. While you do not have to strictly follow the eight-glasses-a-day rule, do ensure that your fluid intake is adequate. You will know that you have been drinking enough water by the colour of your urine. If it is straw or pale coloured, you have nothing to worry about. However, if it is dark in colour it signals that more water is needed. Research has shown that sportspersons find it harder to do doa workout of they are not hydrated enough. Not only does dehydration make your sluggish, it also affects your mental agility and concentration.

Get enough sleep: If you do not get enough sleep, your body will respond with exhaustion. And sleep deprivation can accumulate so if you have been consistently sleeping for less than six hours a night, there will come a time when you will not be able to function anymore just because your mind and body are so tired. Not getting enough sleep at night will lead you to feel sleepy throughout the day. Try going to bed earlier than you usually do to get in adequate hours of shut-eye. A 2004 study of Stanford College students found that when students were allowed to get adequate sleep they reported less fatigue. A full night’s sleep will lower stress and anxiety, rest your brain and body and improve its functioning. If you find that you are unable to sleep for as long as you need to try and fit in power naps during your day. Studies have shown that short naps can rejuvenate your energy levels and improve alertness and performance. In fact, companies in Japan actually encourage their employees to take power naps to increase performance. Keep your naps to under 30 minutes so that it does not interfere your sleep schedule at night. Here’s a secret: for an even bigger energy boost drink a cup of coffee after your nap.

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