Drinking a cup of tea after a meal damaging you from inside
Drinking  a cup of tea after a meal damaging you from inside

Some people consume tea frequently and even after taking a meal, but research shows that having a cup of tea after a meal might be damaging you from inside. I have been seeing a volley of memes and quotes dedicated to ‘tea-loving’ society, on my Facebook timeline; maybe because most of my friends are die-hard-fans of this divine beverage. So, I can only imagine the expressions of dismay on their faces, when they would read this piece of fact.

Famous quotes spreading around social media for tea lovers that they are their blood is T- positive. Although ancient scriptures have mentioned tremendous benefits of consuming tea, it may vary on the type of tea that you’re consuming. While A traditional tea is prepared by boiling cloves, ginger, basil leaves and tea leaves in water mixed with some honey. Even Ayurveda swears by the benefits of tea, which helps in smooth functioning of digestive system, and helps in curing cough, cold, and flu, etc.

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But, since a very long time, people have tweaked the recipe and have been adding milk for taste and thereon it became a traditional Indian beverage loved by millions around the world; with the previous recipe becoming a medicinal mixture. According to Ayurveda, a cup of hot tea is enough to calm down anxiety, boost metabolism and help in controlling blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, etc; however, it also warns against consuming one right after your meal, which has now been backed by scientific studies.

Dr. D Raghunatha Rao, the convener of the Dietary Guidelines Committee said that, as well as coffee, should be avoided at least for one hour before and after meals. This is because chemical Tannin is present in tea and coffee, which interferes with iron absorption. In the consumption of tea, The milk variant one consuming after a meal apparently has been doing more harm than good; as it interferes with the process of digestion. Also drinking it, more than the moderate amount clogs your gut and leads to severe acidity and bloating, this eventually impacts the health of your digestive tract and colon.

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