Iran targets America, thousands of American soldiers sitting on gunpowder
Iran targets America, thousands of American soldiers sitting on gunpowder

Washington: There is a lot of upheaval in Central Asia following the recent assassination of Iranian commander Qasim Sulemani in a US airstrike. A war-like situation has arisen between the US and Iran. Where you may be thinking that if war happens, Iran will suffer a big loss. America is not going to deteriorate in this war. It will be interesting to see if Iran is the only loser in this war. It is not that in this war, America and its allies will also suffer heavy losses. Let's see what will be the loss of America?

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Thousands of American soldiers sitting on gunpowder: According to sources, there is a gathering of thousands of American soldiers from Iraq to Oman, that is, the entire Gulf countries. If America attacked Iran directly, then thousands of its American soldiers would face great danger. Iran has such missiles and other weapons that if Iran uses against American soldiers then it can suffer heavy losses. This can have serious consequences. Only in Iraq, 5 thousand soldiers are deployed. Iran will be eyeing these 5 thousand soldiers. It is feared that Iran and its supporters have done this as retaliation in the past.

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Apart from this, port, harbor, and warships of America are deployed in many Gulf countries. These missiles could also be targets of Iranian missiles. If this happens, the impact of this war will be widespread. It is being said that countries like Saudi Arabia and the Arab Emirates are scared. It will also have an impact on the economy here. So no matter how much the US threatens war, fighting a direct war with Iran is like inviting a big problem for it. This is the reason that the fight between the US and Iran is increasing, but the US is avoiding to attack Iran directly.

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