Make your health wonderful in winter, Rotis made from 5 types of flour
Make your health wonderful in winter, Rotis made from 5 types of flour

There is a risk of developing a variety of diseases in cold weather. In this season, you can eat a variety of loaves to keep yourself back. Today we are going to tell you about the flour that will make the rotis that will improve your health. 

Bajra Flour: This flour is rich in protein, as well as very hot in effect. At the same time, it is considered very good to keep the muscles healthy and strong. In fact, people who feel very cold, have joint or back pain, asthma problems, they should take millet flour in winter. It is rich in fibre and they are easy to digest.

Ragi Flour: Calcium, protein, potassium, iron, fibre-rich ragi has a very hot effect, due to which it is consumed in winter. Let us tell you that in the hilly areas, many people eat Rotis made from this flour to avoid the effects of winter. It is helpful in reducing weight and protects the body from anaemia. Apart from this, it is also considered very beneficial for diabetic patients.

Jowar flour: Jowar flour is rich in nutrients like protein, vitamin B, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron. It enhances immunity and provides warmth to the body. At the same time, it is very beneficial for people suffering from asthma, diabetes, etc.

Corn flour: Corn flour bread is also very beneficial in winter. In fact, cornflour contains fibre, vitamins A, B, E, minerals and antioxidants. At the same time, it is gluten-free.

Kuttu Flour: Kuttu flour is considered to be very beneficial. In fact, its intake in winter is very beneficial because it is also hot. It is rich in nutrients like protein, fat, carbs, fibre, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamin B complex, vitamin B2, riboflavin and niacin.

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