Eid Ul Adha 2024 Date in India: Everything You Need to Know
Eid Ul Adha 2024 Date in India: Everything You Need to Know

Eid Ul Adha, also known as Bakra Eid, is one of the most significant festivals in Islam. It commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s test of faith and is celebrated as one of the two holiest occasions in the Muslim calendar. The festival involves special prayers at mosques and the sacrificial slaughter of livestock, such as goats and sheep.

According to recent reports, the Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia has urged all Muslims in the Kingdom to witness the sighting of the crescent moon marking the beginning of the Arabic month Dhu Al Hijjah this evening.

Eid Ul Adha 2024 Date

Eid Al Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu Al Hijjah. Here's the schedule based on the moon sighting:

If the moon is sighted on June 6, Dhu Al Hijjah will begin on June 7. Arafah Day, the 9th day of Dhu Al Hijjah, will be on June 15, and Eid Al Adha will be celebrated on June 16.
If the moon is not sighted on June 6, Dhu Al Hijjah will begin on June 8. Arafah Day will then be on June 16, and Eid Al Adha will be celebrated on June 17.
Significance of Eid Ul Adha

Eid Ul Adha, which means "Festival of Sacrifice," commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. According to Islamic tradition, God provided a ram to sacrifice instead. The festival emphasizes the values of faith, obedience, and sacrifice.

Eid Ul Adha is also a time for Muslims to share meals with family, friends, and those less fortunate. It's a celebration that brings together communities worldwide in a spirit of compassion and togetherness.

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