England Football Captain Donates Leyton Orient Shirt Sponsorship To Good Causes
England Football Captain Donates Leyton Orient Shirt Sponsorship To Good Causes

Harry Kane, captain of the England football team and star player of the English club Tottenham hostper, has decided to sponsor the Latin Orient shirt for the 2020-21 football season. According to reports from Xinhua, Kane spent five months on loan at his former club Latin Orient when he was young. The Latin Orient plays a fourth tire match in England. He scored five goals in 18 matches for that club.

Ken said, "I was born just a few miles from the stadium and I am very happy to have the opportunity to come back to the club, which gave me my first professional start."

The front of the shirt has a message of thanks to the health workers of the nation and 10 percent of all T-shirt sales will go to the charity. Latin Orient Chief Executive Denny McLean said, "We want to thank Frontline Heroes for their hard work and commitment during this epidemic. Thank you Harry for this support. You are a true model of modern sports."

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