Everything you need to know about Antenatal Care!
Everything you need to know about Antenatal Care!

"Antenatal care" is the care that is given to a woman during pregnancy. It starts as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed, this ensures a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby. It provides nutritional, medical, educational care to a pregnant woman. It simply is the care given to a expectant mother to avoid the risk and complications of pregnancy.


During this time, the mother is advised what to eat and what not to eat. The woman gains weight during this time and therefore her protein, folic acid, iron and calcium needs also increases. Hence, a woman's diet should comprise of essential nutrients in order to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. During this time a woman should have plenty of fluids, vegetables, fruits and milk,


During pregnancy woman are advised to take supplements like iron, calcium, folic acid and iodine.

Check-ups and Immunization

A pregnant woman should visit her gynecologist for regular check-ups, where she would be asked to remove some tests and ultrasounds. Also vaccines would be given to the expectant mother to protect herself and her foetus against tetanus.

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