Facebook Messenger App Gets The Feature To Set Event Reminders
Facebook Messenger App Gets The Feature To Set Event Reminders

Facebook has begun revealing another component in its Messenger talking application - Reminders. Clients can now just set an update for specific  occasions from inside the application.Facebook Messenger application itself will demonstrate a Reminder setting  alternative for the given date and time.  Additionally, the element lets clients essentially set an update, as well  as alters the date and time according to client's desire.

Both the sender  and the beneficiary can change the date and time of the update. There's  additionally is to name the occasion update.  This new component inside the application makes it simpler for clients as  they can essentially set an update from that point itself as opposed to  shutting the application, opening the clock application and setting a  caution there.

Facebook claims that the "camera" highlight will offer enhancements for  additionally captivating discussions. The element, that works very like of  Snapchat's, demonstrates a roundabout screen catch at the inside when  clients are in the chat list window.

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