If there is red spot on face, then adopt these home remedies
If there is red spot on face, then adopt these home remedies

You may have all noticed that many people often have red marks on their faces, or their faces remain red. This is called facial redness or flushing. Redness of the face can be due to a number of reasons. In fact, many times redness on the face can also cause an outbreak of itching, irritation and acne and this is something like this as if you will see a red spot on your face, which can keep your face warm compared to other parts of the body. Although there are many reasons why this happens and home remedies to fix it, today we are going to tell you.

Due to redness of the face-
eating spicy food
Allergies to food or medication
Cosmetic Reaction
More exfoliation (more scrubbing)

Remedy - 
Ice - The use of ice on the face can relieve the effects of redness and skin flushing. Yes and you can either wash your face with cold ice water or apply ice directly to your face. It helps in reducing the inflammation and redness of the skin.

Aloe vera gel- Aloe vera gel is best for reducing redness along with making your skin feel cool. Aloe vera gel also reduces itching and aloe vera has regeneration properties that help to heal the damaged skin faster.

Anti-fragrance cosmetics - Makeup or skin products that have a lot of fragrance or smell, they are usually filled with a lot of chemicals. In fact, many times there is also a reaction from the strong smell of cosmetics on the skin and due to this, it becomes red. Keep in mind that do not buy products with a sharp aroma just because they have good happiness.

Spicy and oily food - Our skin reacts to the things we eat. In fact, too much spicy and oily food causes irritation in the skin and causes redness and itching. Actually, spicy food also causes gastric problems, which is not good for the body. You should eat more and more fruits and green leafy vegetables.

Sunscreen every day- Sunscreen works as a protective layer for the skin and it helps to prevent the skin from coming in direct contact with harmful UV rays, causing the skin to burn. In such a situation, if you are stepping out of your house, do not forget to apply sunscreen.

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