False Alarm at US Capitol: 'Bad Call' Claims of Shooter and Injuries Proven Unfounded
False Alarm at US Capitol: 'Bad Call' Claims of Shooter and Injuries Proven Unfounded

Washington: Following reports of a potential active shooter in the US Capitol complex on Wednesday following a potential "bad call," Washington Metropolitan Police Department spokesman Hugh Carew said police found no shooter and no one injured.
"A report of an active shooter came in. It seems like a poor decision. No one was hurt, and the shooter was not found," Carew said.

US Capitol Police had earlier issued a warning to remain indoors of Senate office buildings.

The majority of lawmakers were not in Washington as the US Senate was on summer break. However, congressional offices continue to have a minimal on-site staff. Along with tourists, there are frequently dozens of employees manning security posts, staffing cafeterias and coffee shops for the Senate, and performing building maintenance.

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Although the Capitol complex itself was not in the highest state of lockdown, a staff member for a senator claimed that police had advised all employees to remain in their offices.

"If you are inside the Senate Buildings, you should all take cover inside as there has been a report of an active shooter. It should be noted that there have been no confirmed reports of gunshots, according to a social media post from the US Capitol Police.

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According to the police, they answered an emergency call. The Capitol Police issued a warning advising people to enter their offices and grab emergency supplies. Additionally, it requested that they keep quiet and turn off any electronic devices.

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There were numerous police officers stationed outside the buildings, some staff members were present, and visitors had gathered on the grounds of the Capitol complex.


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