Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Friday launched a mocking attack on Congress leader Anand Sharma over his statement on the MHA order allowing ten agencies to keep an eye on any computer.
FM Jaitley in Rajya Sabha accused Sharma of "making a mountain where a molehill does not exist". He described that on the same order of authorization was repeated which was presented since 2009.
"On December 20, same order of authorisation was repeated that was existing since 2009. You are making a mountain where a molehill does not exist," stated Jaitley. "No innocent person needs to worry."
The former Union minister Anand Sharma had stated that the BJP government is converting India into a close watch state through the order.
"It is the ultimate assault on fundamental rights and the right to privacy. It is also in direct conflict with the Supreme Court judgement that right to privacy is a fundamental right. The government has done it by strength we collectively oppose it," Sharma had told mediapersons.
He stated it gives vital powers to state agencies to keep an eye on every information and intercept it through close watch, which is intolerable.
Worth mention here the government has authorised 10 central agencies to cut off, monitor and decrypt all the data contained in any computer system and the order was passed late night Thursday by the 'cyber and information security' division of the Union Home ministry under the authority of Home Secretary Rajiv Gauba.