Follow these tips when lips burst
Follow these tips when lips burst

Many people repeatedly touch their tongue when the lips are dry. Because of this, the saliva absorbs the moisture from the lips. Due to the lack of moisture on the lips, a crust starts forming. Due to which the lips start cracking. Today we are going to tell you about some reasons for chapped lips.

1. Due to the strong summer winds, the skin becomes dry. Due to which the lips start cracking. If you do not protect your lips properly from the strong rays of the sun, then they start cracking.
2. Due to the dust and pollution of the summer, chapped lips can also be a problem.
3. If you breathe through the mouth, then the hot air comes out from above the lips. Due to which the skin of the lips starts bursting.
4. To avoid chapped lips, drink plenty of fluids. By doing this, along with the moisture of the body, the moisture of the lips will also remain intact.
5. Before sleeping at night, apply petroleum jelly or coconut oil on your lips and sleep. By doing this, your lips will remain soft and supple.

Leave these habits immediately; your sugar level will start increasing.

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