Leave these habits immediately; your sugar level will start increasing.
Leave these habits immediately; your sugar level will start increasing.

One of the main reasons behind the increase in blood sugar levels in the body is your poor lifestyle. To keep the blood sugar level under control, it is very important to take care of some things. Often people have to face the problem of high blood sugar because their lifestyle is very bad. Today we are going to tell you about some such things by doing which you can keep your blood sugar level under control.

Waking up throughout the night:
In today's time, people lie down for hours and hours at night and keep using mobiles. Due to excessive use of mobile, there is a lot of problem in sleeping. Health experts say that you must get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily. This not only keeps your health and mind healthy but also keeps the blood sugar level under control. Working on your mobile or laptop for a long time in the night makes you hungry, and you eat something that has a very bad effect on your blood sugar level.

Taking on too much stress
Taking on too much stress from anything has a very bad effect on your overall health. Due to stress, the level of insulin in the body starts falling and stress hormones like epinephrine and cortisol start increasing, which increase your blood sugar level. In such a situation, it is necessary to keep stress to a minimum.

Take care of the calorie count:
To keep the level of blood sugar in the body under control, it is necessary to take special care of how many calories you are consuming throughout the day. To reduce the calorie count, it is also necessary to balance protein, fat, and carbohydrates in your diet. Along with this, it is necessary to include fibre in your diet.

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