Foreign Minister gave befitting reply to Rahul Gandhi's 'beating' statement
Foreign Minister gave befitting reply to Rahul Gandhi's 'beating' statement

New Delhi: Congress Lok Sabha MP Rahul Gandhi made a controversial statement about the Indian Army, which was strongly condemned by the BJP. Now External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar has given a befitting reply to Rahul Gandhi in the Lok Sabha. Jaishankar has said that political criticism is always welcome, but one should not insult our soldiers. He said it was not right for the Army to use words like "beating".

Foreign Minister Jaishankar said, 'We should not directly or indirectly criticize our soldiers. Our soldiers are guarding our borders by standing at a height of 13 thousand feet in Yangtse. They should be respected and praised.' Jaishankar further said, 'I have heard that as Foreign Minister, I need to develop my understanding further. I can only bow down in respect of the leader who is giving me this advice. Actually, the Foreign Minister was replying to Rahul Gandhi's statement of 'beating the army'.'

After the clash between the soldiers of India and China in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, Rahul had said that China is preparing for war and the Modi government at the Center is sleeping. Rahul Gandhi had said that China is beating Indian soldiers and has occupied 2,000 km square of India. Responding to Rahul's statement, Jaishankar said, "If we were indifferent to China then who sent the Indian Army to the border. If we were indifferent to China then why are we pressurizing China for de-escalation and disengagement today? Why are we saying publicly that our relations are not normal?''

At the same time, the External Affairs Minister has stressed that it is not right for the army to use words like beating. Our soldiers don't deserve this kind of language. This word should not be used for them. Rahul also made this statement when the video of Chinese soldiers being beaten up by Indian soldiers went viral all over the media. Although it was not confirmed whether the video was from Tawang or not, it was clearly visible in the video that Indian soldiers were beating the Chinese and pushing them back. But, in the meantime, Rahul's beating statement is being seen as an attempt to break the morale of the army. 

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