The festival of Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with great pomp. On this day, all people welcome Bappa to their homes. This festival is celebrated for 10 days and after that Ganesha is immersed in water on the day of Anant Chaturdashi. Today we are going to tell you why Bappa is immersed in water. There is a mythological story behind it, that is what we are going to tell you today.
Mythology - When sage Ved Vyas imbibed the entire Mahabharata scene within himself, but he was unable to write. Therefore, he needed someone who could write the entire Mahabharata without stopping, then he prayed to Brahma. Brahma told him that Ganesh is the god of wisdom, he will definitely help you. Then he prayed to Ganesha to write Mahabharata, Ganapati has special expertise in writing, he approved to write Mahabharata. Rishi Ved Vyas narrated the entire story of Mahabharata to Ganesha for ten consecutive days from Chaturthi day, which Ganesha wrote.
After the completion of Mahabharata, when Ved Vyas opened his eyes, he saw that Ganesha's body temperature was very high. To reduce his body temperature, Ved Vyas applied mud on Ganesha's body, after the soil dried up, his body swelled and the soil started falling from the body, then Rishi Ved Vyas took Ganesh to the lake. The paste was cleaned. According to the story, the day Ganesh started writing Mahabharata, it was the day of Shukla Paksha Chaturthi in Bhado month, and the day Mahabharata was completed was Anant Chaturdashi. Since then Ganesh is seated for ten days and Bappa is immersed after the festival on the eleventh day.
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