German Castelo Says Mindset Change is Key to a Better Life
German Castelo Says Mindset Change is Key to a Better Life

German Castelo has interesting words for anyone looking to take their lives to the next level as long as personal and career growth is concerned. For ages, we have been told that working hard will make us successful and it has somehow become the norm. However, hardworking people do not always end up successful. 

This is by no means an indication that hard-work is irrelevant. It is relevant. But it just isn't enough on its own if other vital success ingredients are missing. Persistence, for instance, is very important that anyone looking to climb the ladder of success needs a healthy dose of it. The pages of history are littered with names of great men and women who had to struggle and fail multiple times before they reached their desired destination. They worked hard, but needed persistence to keep going at it. 

And the list of success requirements continue; each as interesting as the other. But it is safe to say all of these success ingredients have a lot to do with the individual's orientation. Some of the world's greatest thinkers have talked about it. Some even wrote about it. For German Castelo, adopting the champion mentality is so important that it must never be underrated. Breaking free and away from one's default orientation (assuming it's toxic to your personal growth) is something everyone must do if they hope to achieve significant success in their business, career and lives. To be specific, he had to discard the idea that he was from a Latin American country; hence refusing to play by the stereotypes prevalent in his region. 

He credits his willingness to learn and improve as a huge factor in his transformation both as an entrepreneur and as a person. "Little by little" began the motivational speaker and author,  "everything began to change". It's interesting to know that German Castelo is very generous with his knowledge and expertise. So far, no less than ten countries have felt the positive impact of his value-stacked lectures. It goes without saying that he shows no signs of slowing down on his quest to teach, inspire and coach as many people as possible especially budding and aspiring entrepreneurs. 

The lessons anyone can learn from the rise of German Castelo from Mexico to the world is pretty straightforward: with the right mindset, anyone can achieve significant success. Long before attaining prominence both as an entrepreneur, investor, author and speaker, he was "totally frustrated" to say the least. This was majorly during his college days when he worked multiple jobs while also trying to keep up with the demands of academic work. It is fair to say that it could only be an overall positive mindset that allowed a college student to effectively manage his time, hobbies and interests without losing sight of goals. 

The bottom line is this: every entrepreneur must not underestimate the relevance of working very hard towards achieving their goals. However, they must keep in mind that it all starts from the mind. An entrepreneur's mind is one of his greatest assets which he must protect and improve at all times. Owing to the relevance of mindset to personal and collective growth, German Castelo has dedicated a huge chunk of his time and activities to teaching people the way forward and this way has to do with acquiring a positive mindset.

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