Get shining face using turmeric like Shivangi Joshi
Get shining face  using turmeric like Shivangi Joshi

Following Today's pollution and dust, our skin becomes dead. This causes great harm to our skin and it gets worse. This starts to lose the skin glow gradually. There are many face masks available in the market where dead skin can be removed. But it would be better to use face packs made from natural items. So today we tell how to make natural face packs and how to use them.

Turmeric and curd: This is a very good scrub, it removes sunburn and also cleanses the skin. In this case, make a mixture of 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon yogurt and massage the face and wash the face 15 minutes later.

Turmeric, sandalwood and milk: Prepare a mixture of three in a bowl. Then put this mixture on your face and massage for 2 to 3 minutes and wash the face after 10 minutes. The face will appear with the glow.

Turmeric and flour: Mix some honey and milk with flour in the turmeric, then put it on your face and make a massage. Then after 10 minutes wash it with lukewarm water. The skin will blossom and the dead skin will get out.

Turmeric Face Pack: Make a paste of 1 spoon turmeric powder, one spoon gram flour, one spoonful of rose water, two almonds (grounded) and a little raw milk in a bowl, then place this paste on the entire face and neck. Then clean the face after 20 minutes. Place this pack once a week. This will enhance the skin and it will remain glowing in the skin.

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