A girl brought Ak-47 in school after getting expelled from school and then...
A girl brought Ak-47 in school after getting expelled from school and then...

A very surprising case has been seen from the US of Oklahoma. Here a girl was expelled from school, after which she got angry and bought a 47 rifle and then threatened to shoot 400 people, including some students of her former school.

According to a report from the Pittsburgh County Sheriff's Office, 18-year-old Alexis Wilson told her co-worker she bought a semi-automatic AK-47 rifle and wants to shot her old schoolmates in McAlester and also showed her picture to her colleague holding a rifle, after which he has informed the police about it.

The girl was apprehended by the police from near her house and besides her rifle, six high-capacity magazines and various other weapons were also recovered from her room. During interrogation, the girl told that she was just telling her coworker that there is no need to be afraid of the weapon, although she has not told why she threatened to shoot 400 people, including her school students.

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