The mouth of this fish is like the beak of a parrot
The mouth of this fish is like the beak of a parrot

Today we will tell you about a special fish, whose appearance is exactly like a parrot. The name of this fish is also "Tota Machli", which is called Parrotfish in English. Its beauty and unique qualities give it a distinct identity in marine life.

Where is parrot fish found?: Parrot fish mainly lives in shallow waters near coral reefs. This colorful fish is found in different species in the depths of the sea. You will be surprised to know that there are about 80 species of parrot fish, most of which are found in the Pacific Ocean. An adult parrot fish can be up to 4 feet long.

What does a parrot fish eat?: The main diet of a parrot fish is coral and the algae growing on it. With the help of its strong and special beak, it cuts the coral and eats the algae on it. Its teeth are also very special, which makes it even more unique.

Strength of teeth: The teeth of parrot fish are extremely strong. These teeth are made of fluorapatite, one of the strongest biominerals in the world. Their strength can be gauged from the fact that these teeth are harder than gold and silver and can easily withstand heavy pressure. Every parrot fish has about 1,000 teeth in its mouth, which are arranged in 15 rows. The shape and structure of these teeth make this fish special.

Ability to change colour: Another interesting feature of the parrot fish is that it can change its colour at will. It adopts different colours and patterns to blend in with its surroundings and to escape from any predator. This quality makes it different and special from other fish in the sea.

Ability to change sex: Another amazing feature of parrot fish is that it can change its sex from female to male. This process is called protogynous hermaphroditism. Although parrot fish is not the only species in the sea that can do this, this feature makes it special. All these features of parrot fish make it an important part of marine life. Due to its colorful world and unique features, this fish presents an amazing sight to the sea watchers.

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