This thing lives inside the volcano
This thing lives inside the volcano

When a volcano erupts, both people and animals in the area of ​​hundreds of kilometers around it are affected. It is very difficult for animals and creatures to live near a volcano, but still there are some creatures and animals that live near the volcano and live their lives there. Let us know which creatures live near the volcano and how their lives are saved.

Creatures living near volcanoes:  We often think that nothing can survive near a volcano, but this is not true. There are many creatures that live in these dangerous areas. For example, about 2 million Lesser Flamingo birds live near Ol Donyo Lengai volcano in Tanzania. The feathers of these birds are pink, and they eat pigment algae called Spirulina which makes their feathers pink. The pond in which these flamingos live is not at all safe for other animals, because its water is dangerous. But Lesser Flamingos have a special layer on their feet, which protects them from this boiling water. These birds can filter the salt from this water and drink it.

Pompeii Worm: The most heat-tolerant creature:  Pompeii Worm is a unique creature that lives near volcanic vents (hot water sources) in the sea. It is considered to be the most heat-tolerant animal in the world. Pompeii Worm can withstand temperatures up to 105 degrees Celsius. It has small hairs on its body which help protect it from the heat. These worms pull out their bodies like a turtle and then pull them back in the same way. Scientists believe that the hair and mucus present on their bodies protect them from the hot temperatures inside the volcano.

Volcanoes and their effect on the Earth's temperature:  Researchers claim that when the world's most powerful volcanoes erupt, it decreases the Earth's temperature instead of increasing it. This happens because the gases and dust emitted by the volcano spread into the Earth's atmosphere, causing less sunlight to reach the Earth and this makes the Earth a little cooler.

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