Here is the world's largest bulb
Here is the world's largest bulb

Human history is millions of years old and it is said, "Necessity is the mother of invention." This saying fits perfectly on human development. As man's needs increased, he made new inventions. One of the important inventions among these inventions is the electric bulb. Today, along with the history of the bulb, we will also tell you where the world's largest bulb is, which requires a crane to lift.

Invention of the Bulb: Today the bulb is seen spreading light in every home, office and on the streets. But when it was invented, it was considered nothing less than a miracle. This invention in the late 19th century is considered one of the best inventions of science. It gave the world a new light, with which people could continue their work even after sunset. The credit for the invention of the bulb goes to Thomas Alva Edison.

Who was Thomas Alva Edison?: Thomas Alva Edison was born on 11 February 1847 in Ohio, USA. He received very little schooling, but his mother taught him at home. According to reports, Edison had built a small laboratory in the basement of his house, where he used to do his experiments. Seeing his interest in science and chemistry, his mother gave him related books. After this, in 1876, he built a large laboratory of his own, in which his father also cooperated. Between 1878 and 1880, Edison and his team conducted thousands of experiments to create a lamp that would give light with electricity. After this hard work, the bulb was invented, which filled the world with light.

World's largest bulb: Now let's talk about the world's largest bulb. Usually the bulbs that are installed in our homes and offices are small, but do you know where the world's largest and heaviest bulb is? It is installed on top of the Thomas Edison Memorial Tower located in New Jersey. It is called the 'Edison Bulb'. This bulb is 14 feet tall and weighs 8 tons, which is lifted by a crane. This bulb is a symbol of Edison's inventions and his hard work in science.

Edison's legacy: Thomas Edison not only invented the bulb, but many of his other inventions revolutionized the field of science and technology. His hard work and dedication has made it possible to use all the technology and electrical equipment in our lives today. Edison's achievements gave a new direction to science and he gave human civilization a light that will never fade.

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