Glenmark gives replies DGCI on Fabiflu, says "Lowest price of medicine in India"
Glenmark gives replies DGCI on Fabiflu, says

New Delhi: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals has responded to a notice issued by the Controller General of India (DGCI) regarding the cost of the Coronavirus drug. In this, the company has said that Fabiflu is inexpensive and effective compared to other medicines used in the treatment of Coronavirus.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals has introduced Favipiravir in the market named Fabiflu. In relation to this, the company has said that when this drug was launched in India, it had the lowest price in the market (Rs 103 / tablet). In other countries of the world where Favipiravir is being sold, it has been said to be the lowest price in India compared to those countries. The company claims that Glenmark has placed the lowest price of favipiravir in India as compared to other countries. Talking about the full course of medicines used in the treatment of Coronavirus infection, it costs Rs 9,150 on Fabiflu, Rs 24,000 - 30,000 on Remadecivir, Rs 44,000 on Tocilizumab and Rs 32,000 on Etolizumab.

DGCI sent a notice to Glenmark about making false claims and prices for the medicine used in the treatment of Corona. In the notice it was said that a Member of Parliament has complained that the total cost of treatment with Fabiflu is about Rs 12,500.

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