Goldfish save them with alcohol in winter
Goldfish save them with alcohol in winter

London: A group of scientists has revealed a shocking disclosure about Goldfish. According to scientists, when the water gets accumulated in the winter, the fish living in them save themselves by the lack of oxygen through alcohol.

Yes, you read the correct 'Alcohol!' In fact, scientists from Oslo University and Liverpool University say that in the accumulative winter when the upper surface of the water becomes ice and the water starts decreasing by oxygen, then these goldfish lactic begin to convert acid into ethanol.

This ethanol spreads around their gills and prevents them from forming deadly lactic acid in their body. In this way, goldfish and other fishes of this race have saved themselves for many days, even months, in the foothills of the accumulated water.

In its research, Michael Brennbrink's research paper 'Scientific Reports' of Liverpool University, in its research, says that the amount of alcohol in every 100 ml of blood of these fish reaches 50 milligrams. 

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