Good news! Experts make big claim that the drug is effective on 'Omicron variant'
Good news! Experts make big claim that the drug is effective on 'Omicron variant'

British scientists have made a big claim about the Omicron variant that endangers the world. It is reported that his medicine Sotrovimab is effective against each mutation of omicron and has proved effective. The drug has been developed by GlaxoSmithklein (GSK) in association with US Partner Veer (VIR) Biotechnology. The same medicine is now considered effective against omicron variant.

In a statement issued the same, the company claimed that sotrovimab, its medicine, has acted effectively against the 37 mutations of Omicron. Last week also, after a pre-clinical test, it was reported that sotrovimeb medicine works against omicron. The company has also emphasized that the drug works effectively against every variant mentioned by the World Health Organization.

The company has reported that his drug is a monoclonal antibody. It is said to be based on natural antibodies already made by humans. In such a situation, its effectiveness is considered to be higher than that of other drugs. The first case of Omicron came up in the same country on 2nd December and now there are 23 cases. This means an increase of more than 10 times in 5 days. In just 5 days, Omicron from South Africa has attacked 5 regions. 10 patients have been received in Maharashtra, 9 in Rajasthan, 2 in Karnataka, 1 each in Delhi and Gujarat. Therefore, it is important that we take necessary precautions.

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