Good news for Travellers, this company is offering free world trips
Good news for Travellers, this company is offering free world trips

There is a good news for the tarvel lovers and its about free traveeling. For globetrotters, every chance at travelling is a whole new adventure. A company can help in help the travllers to travel everywhere without any expenses and do nothing but post photos on social media. While it seems like an impossible dream, a travel company makes it come true.

A company called Busabout has offered to pay six people for their travelling expenses this summer to roam around the world free of cost. However, there’s a catch in the coffer. Calling the “The Great Travel Experiment”, the company will spend $14,960 for each lucky traveller over the summer that is set to last up to to 11 weeks. Besides this, the six successful candidates will travel in pairs, with one person on camera and the other as the videographer.

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The candidates have to do is post pictures on Busabout’s official Instagram page. The travel activities will be dictated by the six candidates as they will leave all their holiday decisions in the hands of the Instagram audience. Every activities like skydiving or water rafting will all be decided by Busabout’s Instagram followers via polls on its stories.

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As per the offer, The six candidates will travel in pairs: one pair will head to Southeast Asia, the other duo will be exploring Europe, while the third pair will jet off to the US. The itineraries for Southeast Asia and the US tour will last six weeks, while the Europe adventure will be longer at 11 weeks, ending with a visit to Oktoberfest in Munich in September.

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