Google Chrome for Android got a new tab design
Google Chrome for Android got a new tab design

Back in February, we saw Google Chrome for Android gets a new tab design. The existing interface works well if you have several tabs open. But if they are over 10 - it turns into chaos. And there is a limit on quantity. The new design improves interoperability and all the tabs are on the palm.

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In addition to the new mapping, there is also the ability to merge tabs into one group. When the group is activated, the bottom navigation bar appears. where different tabs are displayed as icons for easier switching between them. If you touch the Tab icon next to the search bar, the new tabs screen opens.

The new design in Google Chrome is still under development. But the feature is already available in Canary for Android. Since testing is still ongoing, the final version may have problems working. However, if you want to try a new chip, type "chrome: // flags" in the address bar and search for "enable-tab-groups". Activate the flag, double-click the browser and get ready.

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