‘Google announced the launch of its ‘Gboard’ keyboard for iPhone users in India. The new app allows iPhone users to search and send information, GIFs, emojis and more, from their keyboard itself’.
The keyboard app for iPhone brings the power of Google search to the iPhone keyboard, and it’s perplexing why the search giant has not introduced similar functionality for Android, yet. Press “G” icon on the top left of the keyboard to search for things from addresses and flights to YouTube videos and link easily to them.
Besides the search results, users can also search for gif images, and emojis.
The keyboard also supports swipe typing. In order to set-up Gboard as a third-party app keyboard, you need to do the following:
* Download the app
* Go to Settings > General > Keyboard
* The app prompts you on how to set-up, the first time you open it
* Open any app like WhatsApp and click on the global icon in the regular keyboard 5. Voila! The Gboard appears, and you can star