Google I/O 2024 Promises Surprises in AI and Pixel Lineup
Google I/O 2024 Promises Surprises in AI and Pixel Lineup

Get ready for the latest tech buzz! Google's big event, I/O 2024, is just around the corner, starting tomorrow and running until May 20th. It's all happening at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California. The excitement kicks off with Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai's keynote address, followed by a lineup of sessions where Google will spill the beans on its newest creations.

You don't have to miss a beat because Google will livestream the keynote and other important sessions on its YouTube channel. Sundar Pichai takes the stage at 10 pm Pacific Time (10:30 pm India time). We've made it easy for you by putting the live streaming link right here.

What can we expect from Google at I/O 2024? While they've been tight-lipped about specifics, it's no secret that Google loves to wow us with AI innovations. Rumor has it they're adding Gemini-powered AI features to their apps, promising smarter experiences for users.

Now, onto the hardware. While Google typically focuses on software at I/O, they've surprised us before with hardware announcements. Remember last year's Pixel 7a and the debut of the Pixel Fold? This year, though, Google's already dropped news about the Pixel 8a hitting shelves on May 14th, the same day as I/O kicks off. But hold onto your seats; whispers say the Pixel Fold 2 won't make an appearance. Instead, we might catch a glimpse of what's to come with the Pixel 9 series in September, possibly rebranded as the Pixel 9 Pro Fold.

Even without major hardware reveals, Google's sure to shine a spotlight on the Pixel 8a and flaunt its AI prowess, thanks to Gemini AI integration. Stay tuned for all the updates!

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