After corona, Hanta is killing people in China
After corona, Hanta is killing people in China

Coronavirus was introduced from the city of China and after that, almost all the countries of the world got caught in our web which we are still fighting. Due to this, a situation of lock-down has been created in many countries and meanwhile, there is news of infection of another virus from China itself. According to reports, Hantavirus has spread in China and due to this, one person has died, after which people who have come in contact with it are also being searched. This news has also been confirmed by a reputed newspaper of China. After this news went viral on social media, there is a fear in the people that this infection should not spread anywhere, on the one hand, the corona infection has not been completely controlled, but tell you what it is Virus, let's know about this. 

Hantavirus is different from the now spreading Hantavirus and it spreads due to rats or squirrels. The infection of this virus is not spread through air or breathing, so there is little chance of infection spreading in this virus. But if a health person comes in contact with an infected person, then this virus spreads rapidly, the person who died in China came in contact with the infected person who was traveling in the same bus.

After the corona, people have been scared due to the Hantavirus infection, where all the countries are working together to make corona medicines and efforts are being made to make vaccines so that successful treatment can be found in the meantime. The new virus has created an atmosphere of fear. It remains to be seen how much China can prevent the virus from spreading.

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