Have you know about the 'Common Skin Allergens' ?
Have you know about the 'Common Skin Allergens' ?

Sometimes you notice certain red, itchy spot on your skin it’s nothing but the sign of some kind of skin allergy, in medical terms it is defined as Contact Dermatitis.

When a particular substance touches your skin and your skin overreacts against it, that’s how your skin gets attacked by Skin Allergy. Do you know your skin takes at least 10 days to become sensitive to something after its first contact?

It might be possible that one substance that causes you allergy has no impact at other’s skin at all. Allergy differs with different skin types. Skin allergies are quite unpleasant; however you can avoid this happening if you are aware of what substance cause allergy to your skin.

Some most common skin allergic substances are:

  • Formaldehyde: A substance often used in Adhesive or Solvents as well as in many cosmetic products.
  • Sunscreens and bug sprays also might cause allergy to your skin
  • Latex, used in stretchy things like Plastic gloves, elastic in clothing, Balloons etc. could cause severe skin allergy.
  • Fragrances in cosmetics and beauty products are commonly found allergic substance.  Balsam of Peru and cinnamic aldehyde are common culprits used in beauty products. So you better go with products labeling “Fragrance-free” .
  • Plants like Poison Ivy, when the oil of this plant touches your skin causes terrible skin infection.

Also some chemicals and medication like anti-biotic and anti-etching might cause allergy to your skin. 


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