Follow these amazing steps to increase weight
Follow these amazing steps to increase weight

Just as weight gain increases the risk of getting many diseases, in the same way, excessive weight loss also shows that you are not physically healthy. The weight also starts to decrease if there is any internal problem. There is no problem with some people, yet they look slim. If you want to increase your weight by 2-3 kg, then include the following foods in your diet from today.

Eat these foods

- If you want to gain weight, consume ghee regularly. Eat it on bread and mix it with lentils. Eating ghee mixed with sugar also helps in weight gain.

- Eating almonds also increases weight. Put six to seven almonds in water at night. Peel off in the morning and grind it in a grinder. Now mix 30 grams butter and sugar candy in it and eat it with bread or roti. If you want, drink a glass of warm milk. Then see how your weight increases by two to three kilos in a month. To increase the memory capacity of children, you can also give them this food.

- If you eat fruits then definitely eat pomegranate. It is rich in vitamins. Pomegranate also increases blood. Regular intake of it speeds up blood circulation and also increases obesity.

Follow Ayurveda formulas

- Cheese is a good source of protein, so if you want to gain weight, then also consume it regularly.

- Soybean rich in calories, protein, calcium, fiber, vitamin B and iron is a good source for both obesity enhancers and those who reduce it.

- Not only blood is made in the body by eating date palm, but by boiling it in milk, drinking this milk before sleeping increases the amount of fat in the body. The body becomes strong.

- Eating potatoes also increases weight. Often people avoid eating things made with potatoes like french fries, potato chips etc. for fear of gaining weight. If you want to gain weight, you can eat them, but eat only in limited quantities. Potato is a good source of carbohydrates. Eating it increases obesity. Boil the potato and take it with milk.

- Banana is also said to increase weight. It contains sources of energy such as calories, carbohydrates and potassium. Eat two bananas with warm milk daily to gain weight.

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