This cure will eliminate kidney stone disease, read here
This cure will eliminate kidney stone disease, read here

There is a very sharp pain in the stomach when there is a stone in the kidney. In addition to stomach pain, many times you have to do the same problem of pain while discharging urine. If you are also suffering from this disease, do not ignore it and adopt these stones related remedies. With the help of these remedies, the stones present in the kidney will come out of the body and will get rid of the problem of stone.

Drink lemonade: Drinking one glass of lemonade daily can also cure kidney problems. Actually, citric acid is found inside the lemon juice, which acts to break the stone and the stone comes out of the body. If you wish, you can also drink olive oil mixed with olive oil.

Coconut water: In case of kidney stones, doctors are advised to drink coconut water. Drinking one coconut water daily does not make stones in the kidneys and the existing stones break and come out.

Drink more water: In case of kidney stone, drink more water. Drinking 10 glasses of water a day brings stones out of the body and gives you relief from pain. Apart from this, stones do not form again in the kidney.

Eat pomegranate: People suffering from stone problem should include pomegranate in their diet. Drinking pomegranate juice provides relief from stones. This fruit has anti-inflammatory properties which are effective in eliminating kidney stone. Therefore, the patient should eat this fruit daily and eat this fruit with seeds.

Wheat Grass: The existing ingredients in wheat grass remove the problem of stones and the disease of stone is corrected. If you have stones, drink water of wheat grass three times a week. You will get the effect as soon as you drink its water.

Prepare water: Clean the wheat grass thoroughly and wash it with water. After this, keep two glasses of water on the gas for heating. In this water, you add wheat grass and grind it and boil this water well. When the water remains half by boiling, then filter it and cool it down and drink it. If you wish, you can also add lemon juice inside this water.

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