Know the numerous health benefits of playing cricket
Know the numerous health benefits of playing cricket

Nowadays, the craze of World Cup cricket is at its peak. If you just watch the game, start playing it to stay healthy and fit. You may have seen how fit and strong all the cricketers are, so that they can play in the field. This shows the benefits of playing cricket and how health is better.  Let us know its advantages.

Improve Eye Singhts

Cricket improves your hand and eye coordination and eyesight. During the game you have to keep an eye on the ball to catch and also keep an eye on the bouncer being thrown by the baller.

Speed and agility increase

Your speed and quickness increases as you run continuously on the field. On the field you have to run to score runs and catch the ball, thereby improving your speed.

Burns Calories

Burning calories to cricket is a better cardio activity. One hour bowling and batting burns 350 calories. Fielding increases stamina.

Keeps heart health
Cricket is a game in which you have to run a lot in the field. The more you run, the healthier your heart will be. Indeed, physical activity pumps the heart blood faster and the lungs work much faster.

Strong muscle

On the cricket field you have to do bowling, hitting, throwing and catching. These help strengthen your legs and upper body.

Body Balance
Cricket improves balance in the body. To catch the ball, you have to shoot a die, so you have to balance your body. Easy lying down, dyeing, and maintaining balance on the field also improves your flexibility.

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