10 potential benefits of Surya Namaskar for a good health!
10 potential benefits of Surya Namaskar for a good health!

For a holistic wellness, that balances the mind and body, Surya Namaskar is the ultimate workout plan. It is being practiced in India since time immemorial, when the Sun is worshipped as the source of life and energy on Earth. Surya Namaskar has potential benefits in the long run, not only physically but mentally as well. It brings the mind, body and the soul in harmony. It is also believed that you donā€™t need any other exercise if you adopt the Surya Namaskar.

The Surya Namaskar, also known as sun salutation is a sequence of 12 yoga poses (asanas) that are performed for the harmonious flow of the breath and the body movement. Each pose is a representation of a specific moment in the Sunā€™s cycle.

The 12 yoga poses performed in the Surya Namaskar are:

Pranamasana (prayer pose)

Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms pose)

Hasta Padasana (Hand to feet pose)

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

Dandasana (stick pose)

Astanga Namaskar (saluting with eight body parts)

Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog pose)

Now we repeat the following poses-

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (the equestrian pose)

Hasta padasana (hand to feet pose)

Hasta Uttanasana (the raised arms pose)

And end with the Tadasana (mountain pose)

Here are the 10 benefits of Surya Namaskar to your health if you practice it daily-

Boosts the immunity

Practicing Surya Namaskar regularly promotes blood circulation, increases oxygen supply, improves digestion and ensures that the primary organs function well. Due to all this, the immunity builds up and the body is able to fight various illnesses with an increased stamina and energy. The lymphatic system that supports the immune system by removing toxins, functions properly with the proper working of the heart and healthy movement of the body.

Promotes flexibility

The raised arm pose helps you stretch your arms, shoulders and the back. Similarly, the Downward facing dog and Uttanasana work with your hamstrings. Holding your breath and taking a long, deep stretch for every pose helps you with the flexibility of the muscles.

A healthy weight

Surya Namaskar helps in maintaining an ideal weight, with aiding in weight loss. When you practice the poses at a fast pace, it burns calories and keeps a healthy metabolism. So, if you are trying to lose weight, Surya Namaskar can prove helpful along with a healthy diet.

Maintains the posture

Your body posture and alignment gets improved with the Surya Namaskar. With the yoga stretches and sequences, the body maintains a straight, stable and balanced position. With a good posture you are able to develop confidence. It also signals your overall well-being.

Promotes blood circulation

Blood circulation is critically important for a healthy heart. Doing the yoga sequence daily makes the heart pump blood effectively. It also ensures there is a proper reach of oxygen to the blood as well as other parts of the body. The risk of blood pressure is reduced and your cardiovascular health gets improved.

Strengthening muscles and joint mobility

When you stretch, pull and firm the body with the 12 Asanas of the Surya Namaskar, the core muscles are strengthened and toned. The joint mobility is enhanced and they start functioning better. The spinal health also gets improved with time. Standing poses work on the leg muscles, while the others help with the shoulders, muscles and other body parts.

Helps in focus and concentration

The Surya Namaskar is not just to keep the body fit and healthy, but it keeps you mentally active too. With every pose you perform, the focus and attention stays firm. Plus, you are even able to concentrate on your body. The ability to think and concentrate improves, at the same time it sharpens your mind. So. If you need a mental boost, then practice the Surya Namaskar daily.

Extremely beneficial for women

Surya Namaskar is effective in regulating period cycle, reducing pain and cramps and also helps in managing the hormonal imbalances. The yoga poses stimulate the glands, further improving hormonal health.

Helpful in digestion

Surya Namaskar promotes digestion. It works on the abdominal muscles. With the help of the poses, the blood flows easily to the intestines and aids in digestion. It keeps you away from any kind of digestive disorders, at the same time maintaining your gut health. Surya Namskar also helps in the stimulation of digestive fire or agni, reducing the chances of bloating or constipation.

Healthy skin and hair

When the blood circulation is proper and reaches to your scalp and skin, it makes the hair and skin healthy. It reduces hair fall and greying of the strands. The skin also glows and stays nourished as it gets enough oxygen and nutrients. As it removes the toxins and waste, chances of developing acne or inflammation are reduced.

Apart from this, Surya Namaskar relieves stress and anxiety with calmness and relaxation. It has been proven effective in improving the sleep quality of humans. The poses also facilitate detoxification and make the respiratory system work efficiently. Thatā€™s why the Surya Namaskar should be adopted in everyday lifestyle because of the plenty of benefits it ensures! Start with the 12 yoga poses today, for a healthy mind, body and soul. Unlock the door to fitness with the Sun salutation yoga.

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