Here is your Daily Horoscope for May 29, 2019
Here is your Daily Horoscope for May 29, 2019

It's a new day, a new beginning. Its all about starting life afresh. So as you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today.


You are lucky in financial matters and business deals, as they will be conducted in your favor. Personal relationships must be resolved with understanding, communication, love, and care. An older person is supportive and will also share your burdens and problems.


Your midweek stars favor lively developments at home. If you’re stuck in a rut, or otherwise bored by routine, try a little lateral thinking. With the right attitude, you’ll be able to cut through the mass of emotional dross that’s holding you back.


Love is in the cards for you today. It’s been a while since you have felt deeply connected to someone. Today this is about to change. You’re going to see someone in a new light, someone you didn’t expect to see romantically. Don’t get scared and keep an open mind. This is something good for you.


A relaxed and creative atmosphere at work and at home encourages progress and growth. The inception of new ventures is favorable today! New concepts and ideas are appreciated and circulated in the work area as management goals and schedules go through changes.


The bourgeoisie feasted on the cake, while the masses starved for want of a mere loaf of bread. Whether it is impulsive decisions or compulsive buying, they shall not serve as an excuse on a later date when the milk is already spilled. Remember the fable of the Grasshopper and the Ant? Learn to exercise restraint.


You’re a fan of justice and you love to do the right thing. What is said or done now may seem terribly unfair. However, please try to understand that, while the planets are inclining you to be rather self-pitying, they are also challenging you to rise above such petty feelings.


Libra sign people may experience physical exhaustion today. You will keep spending here and there. Your colleague’s cooperation will help you do your work carefully. You will make gains on account of your seniors.


You are able to perceive changes and transitions in professional and personal aspects today since you are meditative, observant and aware. Visitors and communications can be expected. Beware of over indulgence in food or drink as you enter party zones and moods.


I know it’s an old cliché, but there is a difference between the law and justice. You may be a little too hung up on the former, whereas what is really needed is the flexibility and compassion of the latter. Perhaps that’s why you’re not yet ready to make up your mind.


Your charismatic personality is going to hand you everything you want today. However, you seem to be a little distracted from work but the good thing is that for you, staying away from work and taking a break is a good thing as you’re always at the office. Keep work away for a while and try to enjoy life one day at a time Cap. Work isn’t running away from you.


Set any target, take up any activity or accept any challenge; you will succeed in any of them with flying colors. Your well-wishers will shower praises upon your for those hard earned achievements. Friends are like family to you, take them out and have a gala time before another busy day begins.


Don't waste your energy on that which can be taken away but trust life and gain spiritual strength and insight, which are your real treasures. Personal relationships are lasting and you share memorable moments with the one you love. Don't indulge your moods.

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