If you are troubled by back pain, start eating this
If you are troubled by back pain, start eating this

There are many people who are troubled by back pain. This includes not only the elderly but also the younger generation. Nowadays, the main reason for backache is due to changing lifestyle with incorrect posture sitting in the office for hours. Now this problem is not only related to age, but it is also proving to be a problem for everyday life of people. People do not know how to do home remedies to get rid of back pain and today we are also going to tell you some home remedies which you can adopt to get rid of back pain.

* To get relief from backache, add mustard oil and take three to four buds of garlic in it and at the same time add celery in it. Now when it is cold, massage the waist with this oil. You will get relief soon with this remedy.

* To get relief from back pain, put two to three spoons of salt in the pan and heat it well and tie this hot salt in a cotton cloth and make a bundle. After this, compress the waist with this bundle, you will get relief soon.

* Every forty minutes in your office, get up from your chair and take a walk. In fact, bones are also weakened due to low amount of calcium, which becomes the main cause of back pain, so be careful that you eat calcium-rich things.

* To get relief from backache, put celery on the pan and roast it on a low flame and chew it slowly after swallowing. If you take it regularly then you will get benefit in back pain.

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