Follow these tips to make homemade natural serum to enhance your beauty
Follow these tips to make homemade natural serum to enhance your beauty

Many types of serums are sold in the market, which are effective in beautifying the face. However, these serums sold in the market are very expensive and out of the budget of many people. If you also want to use the serum, then make it yourself at home instead of buying it. The serum can be easily made at home and applying it can further enhance the beauty of the face.

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Important things related to applying the serum - Always clean the face thoroughly before using the serum and only then apply it. If the serum is applied without cleansing the face, then pimples can appear on the face. You can also use it on your hands and feet. By applying this, hands and feet will also become soft. Apply serum only at night. Actually, applying it during the day sticks dust on the face. Due to which rash can come on the face. 

Almond Serum: Vitamin-E is found in high amounts in almonds and applying almond oil on the skin clears the face. To make the almond serum, grind some almonds and take out its oil. Apart from this, you can also use readymade almond oil. Add a little honey inside this oil and mix it well. Now clean your face with the help of water and apply this serum on it.

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Aloe Vera Gel Serum: Aloe vera gel is beneficial for the skin and its application makes the face glow. To prepare the aloe vera serum, you put a capsule of vitamin-E inside the aloe vera gel and mix it well. After this, apply this serum on the face. Applying this serum daily will improve the face.

Glycerin Serum: To prepare glycerin serum, you will need glycerin, rose water and lemon juice. You add rose water and a few drops of lemon inside the glycerin and apply it on the face before sleeping at night. By applying this serum, your face will be soft and face will be correct. You can also apply this serum on your hands and feet.

Applying this serum before bed every night will clear the complexion of your face and will improve the face. You can also apply this serum on your hands and feet.

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