5 White tea health benefits: Hot beverage for winter
5 White tea health benefits: Hot beverage for winter

White tea is known to be one of the most delicate tea varieties. It is so minimally processed and also harvested before the tea plant’s leaves open fully. It's said that when the young buds are still covered by fine white hairs they are plucked, hence the name “white” tea. Know a few benefits of this amazing tea discovered first in china.

Health Benefits of White Tea

1:White tea has a polyphenol in it called catechins. It's a plant-based molecule polyphenol protects the cell in our body from getting damaged by the free-radicals.

2:It can reduce the risk of various health issues like ageing, inflammation, weak immune system and many chronic diseases, etc.

3:Polyphenols in white tea effectively reduce the risk of heart disease and can relax the blood vessels and boost our immunity power. 

4: A highly effective for burning fat. It also boosts your metabolism which is also responsible for weight loss.

5-  Also, beneficial for reducing the risk of cancer. In a study, it has been seen that tea can effectively protect cell damage in different types of lung cancer.

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