Vacancy for posts of General Duty and Field Medical, Know last date
Vacancy for posts of General Duty and Field Medical, Know last date

Eligible and qualified candidates can apply for this job by 22-7-2020 (Last Date) to fill the vacant posts of General Duty Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Field Medical Officer, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Agartala. Eligible and interested candidates can get the very important information related to the job like last date to apply, application fee, selection process for the job, age limit for the job, details of the posts, the names of the posts, educational qualifications for the job, total number of posts below.

Name of post- General Duty Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Field Medical Officer

Total Posts - 24

Location - Agartala

Selection Process

The candidate will be selected on the basis of written examination.

How to apply 

Candidates can attend the interview on 22-7-2020. As per the date of the candidates, certified and original documents have to be brought with them at the time of interview.

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