How to deal with 'Breast Pain' during pregnancy ?
How to deal with 'Breast Pain' during pregnancy ?

During pregnancy there is so much that can happen to a woman’s body and one is breast-pain. As your body is changing to form a new being, there are bound to be side effects. Most women experience soreness that comes with growing breast and that is quiet natural. During weeks 2-4 most women begin to feel tenderness in the breast, this is natural as the body is adapting to the hormonal changes to produce milk for the baby. During the second or third trimester most women observe their breast start to leak a thick fluid that is your body beginning to prepare for breastfeeding.

Natural relief for sore breast during pregnancy:

Wear a soft fabric bra and stay away from lace and underwire bras.

Sleep with a bra on so your breasts have the support they need and won’t move around enough to wake you up.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush your body properly of excess fluids and hormones.

Adding lemon, ginger or fennel can help with soreness.

Consuming 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed will reduce pain.

Cover breast with warm wet towel for 10-15 minutes. The warmth reduces swelling and tenderness.

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