How do you find out if God is there with you?
How do you find out if God is there with you?

Many times we ask God to support us. We want God to always be with us and to show us the right path, but we do not recognize whether he is with us or not. Today we tell you how you can find out whether God is with you or not.

God seen in the dream - If you see a temple or any God in your dream, or you keep flying in the sky. then God is kind to you.

Predecessor - It is said that if a person has knowledge of the coming events, then God is with him.

Family love - It is said that if wife, son, daughter and all family are following the orders of one person, they all love the person, then the divine powers are with that person.

Faster than luck - It is said that in life, if someone suddenly gains and there is no obstruction in his work, then it should be understood that the divine powers are with him.

Cold Air Scope - Even when on land, sometimes you feel that there is a cloud or a circle of cold air that surrounds you even this means God is still around you.

To hear someone's voice - If you feel that someone gave me a voice in the deep sleep at night and you get up, but then you realize that there is no one here, then God is with you.

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