Huge California wildfire: Multiple buildings burned down
Huge California wildfire: Multiple buildings burned down

SAN FRANCISCO: Beckwourth Complex Fire, the largest wildfire raging in U.S. state of California, extended dramatically to 83,926 acres Sunday noon with only 8 percent containment, according to the latest information from Inciweb, an interstate incident information system.

Attacked by the wildfire, Doyle, a small town in Lassen County of California standing on highway 395, was reported being damaged on Sunday after the fire spread northeast for about three miles in 24 hours.

Photos posted by Craig Philpott, an independent fire reporter based in Northern California, showed that multiple structures were burning in the small town with about 600 residents. Residents in Doyle received evacuation order on July 8, local ABC 8 news channel reported that many people had fled their homes with concerns that what happened in November last year will happen again.

In a virtual community meeting on July 10, Incident Commander Rocky Opliger said that critically dry and hot temperatures, topography arrangement and southwest winds funneling through the area affected the 1,800 firefighters' attempts to suppress the aggressive fire. Last year, the Laura 2 fire destroyed more than 40 homes and outbuildings in the town.


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