I am just bored of makeup: Amy Jackson
I am just bored of makeup: Amy Jackson

In spite being in the Bollywood industry, Amy Jackson doesn't like to wear make-up during shoots. The actress says she doesn't want to go overboard with cosmetic. Amy Jackson said to a leading news portal, "I have been looking for roles that are not over the top with make-up. Also, I don't wear make-up when I am not shooting as I am just bored and over it."


The actress further added, "Having said that, I am a girl and I like getting my face done for shoots and look into with looks but I have noticed that the make-up has so many chemicals so it really affects your skin that's why I use some organic products too."Amy Jackson talks about a skincare routine, "I have already started using this app daily as it provides me with useful reminders and information about my environment such as UV, Pollution, temperature and humidity and how it impacts my skin health. My favourite feature is the chatbot. It is fun, interactive and personalized."

She reveals how she maintains her skin, "Yes it is because I always wear makeup every day. I travel to different countries every week so that are really big fact factors. On top of that, we got pollution and its not just in the air but in water too so I take a good care of my skin. When I am travelling, I use extra intensifying moisturizer."

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