If the hips have become black, then apply this thing by mixing it in coconut oil.
If the hips have become black, then apply this thing by mixing it in coconut oil.

We adopt a variety of home remedies to make our body look more and more good. From the face to the skin of the hands and feet, we all take care of it, but while doing this, we forget that it is equally important to take care of other parts of the body. This list mostly consists of those organs that are always covered with clothes. Yes, and this list includes hips. It is also a part of the body that is always under the clothes.

Despite this, almost everyone complains that the skin color of the hips is darker than the skin color of the rest of the body. Well if that's the case then you can try some home remedies that will come in handy for you. In fact, sometimes the color of the skin of the part that is always covered also becomes tan. But this happens because the lack of vitamin-D in the part of the body where the sun falls, the skin becomes black.

Homemade Scrub-
Ingredients- 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tsp white salt
Method- To make it, mix salt in coconut oil and prepare a scrub. Now apply this scrub on the hips and pat the skin with light hands. After that, you just have to scrub for 2 minutes. Now clean the skin with clean water. Keep in mind that this scrub (make a body scrub at home) is for external use only, do not apply it on the genitals.

Alum water -
1 block alum, 1 bucket of water
Method- To make it, dip one foot in hot running water, stop between the layers and let them dry. Now take a bath with this water. After that, add plain water to the water. If you bathe regularly with alum water, the blackness of the hips will be greatly reduced.

Turmeric Body Wash-
1 tbsp besan, 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tbsp mustard oil, 1 tsp milk
Method- For this, mix besan, turmeric, mustard oil and milk in a bowl. Now while bathing apply this mixture on the hips and rub this area lightly with your hands. After about 5 minutes, take a bath with clean water.

Apply this thing before sleeping at night to get rid off wrinkles and dark circles

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