If you drink soda heavily in summer, then read this news first
If you drink soda heavily in summer, then read this news first

Summer is here and in this hot season, people become fond of drinking soda and they get an excuse to drink more soda. However, drinking soda is injurious to health. Yes and today we are going to tell you about the same loss.

* Soda not only causes decay in your teeth, but the high amount of refined sugar in it works to increase obesity by increasing the amount of calories.

Apart from soda, the bottle or can in which drinking soda is available in the market is also harmful. In fact, they contain the toxic chemical bisphenol, which causes many types of health problems.

* Sugar is found in very high amounts in soda and only 20 ons of it is equal to about 20 tablespoons of sugar.

* Soda reduces kidney function.

* Soda increases the risk of diabetes by 25 percent.

* The phosphoric acid found in soda steals the calcium present in your bones.

* The use of soda every day is bad for those who want to lose weight.

* Excessive or excessive consumption of soda affects the asthma and respiratory system.

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