Immunity Boosters in Covid: Strengthen immune system with Kadhas to Giloy-Tulsi
Immunity Boosters in Covid: Strengthen immune system with Kadhas to Giloy-Tulsi

The fight against the Covid-19 virus begins with strong immunity. As the second wave turns out to be more alarming and devastating than the previous one, many are turning to strengthen their immune system using homegrown plants, 'kadhas', and a nutrient-rich and diverse diet.

At this juncture, make sure that your immunity is in its prime and working at its full capacity to fight against allergens and pathogens attacking your body.” Here’s what  Aseem Sood, Managing Director, Proveda India,  suggests to help you boost your immunity and complete your diet, so your body builds up the strength to put up a fight against foreign pathogens.

PANCH TULSI WITH GINGER DROPS: It is one of the best examples of Ayurveda's holistic lifestyle approach to health. Considered as a potent adaptogen, Panch tulsi and ginger have a unique combination of pharmacological actions that promote well-being and resilience. This combination increases anti-oxidant molecules such as glutathione and enhancing the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and catalase, which protect cellular organelles and membranes by mopping up damaging free radicals in the body.

 IMMUNE DROPS: Immune drops is a mixture of rama tulsi, kala tulsi, vishnu priya tulsi, sweet lemon tulsi, bisva tulsi, curcumin. It is an instant immunity booster, gives you good health, protects you from diseases and helps you to live a good healthy life.

GILOY AND TULSI: Studies have proved that Giloy possesses immune-o-simulator properties. It helps to flush out the toxins from the body. Giloy also contains Antipyretic (fever controlling) properties. Tulsi is known as “the queen of herbs”.Tulsi is said to prevent disease, promote general health, wellbeing, and longevity and assist in dealing with the stresses of daily life.

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