We all know how important it is to include those green vegetables in our diet, however, how many of us do like to have them on regular bases? There is a fine line between knowing and actually doing, regardless of that we all must have those greens due to their health benefits.
Dark leafy greens are loaded with nutrition, iron, calcium, fibre, and Vitamin A, C, and K. The greens that you try to avoid at all costs contain compounds and anti-inflammatory properties that can protect your heart. Green vegetables including, kale, spinach, lettuces, and other greens help lower cholesterol, boost energy, preserve eye health and reduce inflammation.
However, in order to help you eat that green demon, which is a blessing in disguise (as cringe as it sounds), we have got a number of tips to sneak in those greens and make them at least a little bit tasty.
Add them in a shake: If you somehow get successful in making that shake look tasty, you will be able to drink it a lot better. Add your greens and other vegetables that you like, shake them and drink them up, it will be a lot beneficial if you drink them in the morning rather than any other time of the day.
Add them to a Soup: Perfect for winter or when raining outside, but a smoking hot bowl of soup packed with nutrition, is just what you need at the time your immune system is at its lowest. Add spices in it, croutons, and try to make the soup as tastier as you can.
Stuff them in a Sandwich: What can be a better way to have vegetables rather than a sandwich, make a vegetable sandwich packed with greens, you can have it as a breakfast, lunch, or even as a snack depending on the quantity.
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