India became part of BRICS anti-drug working group meeting
India became part of BRICS anti-drug working group meeting

Brasilia: India discussed the misuse of darknet and modern technology for drug trafficking amid a recent webinar conference of BRICS countries, a government statement said on Sunday. The Ministry of Home Affairs said that the anti-drug agencies of this multi-national group also discussed steps to prevent the increasing disasters of drug trafficking through the sea route. The 4th session of the BRICS Anti-Drug Working Group headed by Russia was scheduled to be held on 12 August. In this meeting, the Indian side was represented by Director General of Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) Rakesh Asthana. It is worth noting that Brazil, Russia, China, South Africa and India are also present in BRICS.

A statement issued by the Union Home Ministry stated that the exchange of ideas related to the status of the drug in BRICS countries, international and localized trends of illicit trafficking in drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as the impact of internal and external factors is going to happen between the summit. A further statement from the department stated that common points that emerged in the discussion included issues such as the need to share real-time information between member states and curb the growing drug trafficking through sea routes. In which it has been said that misuse of darknet and other advanced technologies for drug trafficking was the main focus area of the meeting.

Darknet is referring to deep hidden internet platforms that use drug trafficking, exchange of pornographic material and using TOR's secret lanes to keep away from the surveillance of law enforcement agencies. It was using for other illegal activities. It has been said further that all the points discussed in the meeting were present by the member nations. The statement further said that the growing economic strength of BRICS countries, their ego as one of the main driving forces of global economic development, their substantial population and abundant natural resources remain the foundation of their impact on the international scene.

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